New listings Marblehead, Beverly, Salem and Swampscott

Thanksgiving is coming but there are still some new listings: (more…)

Prayers for Paris


3 years and 532 blog posts later….

After writing semi-annual reviews of the Marblehead real estate market for several years, I published my first blog post three years ago this weekend and I remember wondering if I was over-committing by undertaking to publish every week. Well, had I published one article a week I would be up to number 157. Actually, the number is 532, so it appears that I have found plenty of real-estate related matters on which to write.

A significant change in my approach occurred about a year ago (more…)

Marblehead’s proposed Assisted Living facility: on to the next stage

240 people showed up at the ZBA meeting this week. They heard presentations on the proposed development but were unable to ask questions. The next hearing will take place on Monday, November 23. (more…)