Marblehead vs Swampscott
On under Lifestyle, Real Estate, there is a tool to allow the reader to compare two towns. Here is a link to Marblehead vs Swampscott;
The most notable comparisons: (more…)
4 reasons home prices will keep going up
Here are 4 reasons home prices will continue to increase over the longer term: (more…)
Will baby boomers kill the housing market?
Will a flood of baby boomers cashing out their home equity be too much for the housing market to bear? That is the question I was asked recently.
One of the difficulties in trying to make personal decisions, like whether to buy a house today in the town of your choice, based on long-term, national forecasts (for example, boomers cashing in their housing chips) is the risk of missing out on a lot of known positives – i.e., home ownership – in fear of unknown possible negatives.
But let’s look at some of those big questions. See also 4 reasons home prices will keep going up . (more…)
Marblehead buyers spring into action
Y’all were winding me up, right, when I published What’s happening – or not – in the Marblehead market? last week?
Maybe it was all those other factors, but this week saw 10 houses receive accepted offers, after only 4 in the first week of May.
Even more impressive is the range of prices of the houses receiving offers:1 under $500,000; 6 from $500-749,000; 2 from $750-999,999; and 1 at just under $2 million and 1 at just under $5 million.
The Marblehead market is alive and kicking into high gear! (more…)
Million Dollar home sales picking up
Million dollar home sales were flat in the first four months of 2015 compared with 2014, but both years showed a strong increase over 2013.
But the pace of million dollar sales is picking up with 74 pending* sales currently. As usual, Marblehead leads the way: (more…)
Marblehead’s incredible booming market, according to Trulia
I suspect that one day Trulia will get access to accurate information about the Marblehead market and when that happens my fun will come to an end.
Wow! (more…)
What’s happening – or not – in the Marblehead market?
I am always cautious about reading too much into short-term trends, especially in a market like Marblehead with a small number of sales, but at the same time I do try to report on current market conditions.
And I am puzzled by what has been happening over the last 2-3 weeks – or rather by what has not been happening. And that is houses receiving accepted offers. (more…)
Housing Inventory: better in places but still tight
As we move into the spring selling season we are seeing the traditional pick-up in inventory, although it varies from town to town. Overall in Essex County, the number of Single Family Homes (SFH) for sale is 15% lower than a year ago, while the number of condos is down 17%.
Here are the numbers for each city and town. First, SFH: (more…)
Essex County housing inventory: worse than you think
After my article yesterday Marblehead inventory:even worse than you think I have looked at Essex County overall.
There are currently 1352 Single Family Homes (SFH) for sale in Essex County, down nearly 20% compared from 1660 a year ago at this time. But the position for buyers is even worse than it appears.
Marblehead housing inventory: even worse than you think
There are currently just 49 Single Family Homes (SFH) for sale in Marblehead, compared with 90 a year ago at this time. But the position for buyers is even worse than it appears. (more…)
Buy or rent? It’s NOT just a financial decision
OK, be warned, I am about to get on my soapbox.
Below I post a link to a recent Boston Herald article quoting a Zillow study comparing the costs of buying vs renting in different cities in the US and in different neighborhoods around Boston and Cambridge.
It’s not that I do no think article like this have some value. They do, encouraging people to think about how long they will stay in a house before making a major financial decision.
No, my problem with articles such as this is that they focus only on the financial aspect of buying a home. (more…)
Trulia vs MLS statistics on Marblehead
I have reported before on my puzzlement as to where Trulia gets its statistics on Marblehead. This is what I received by email today: (more…)
What does $4 million buy in and around Boston?
A prospective buyer looked at a $4 million listing in Marblehead recently and commented: “this house would sell for $18 million in the Hamptons.”
Well we’re not in the Hamptons, Dorothy, but it was an interesting comment and led me to look at what a paltry $4 million would buy today in different areas in and around Boston. The table below is in four sections: the North Shore, towns close to Boston, and then Boston SFHS and Boston condos: (more…)
Beverly, Salem and Swampscott Housing Market Reports
In the world of small numbers it is necessary to be cautious about drawing too many conclusions. That is why, for example, I am not including percentage changes for the tables below. The message I take from these numbers is that, in general, the market continues to progress in an orderly manner. (more…)
Marblehead First Quarter Housing Market
It’s over. We survived. Hallelujah!
So how was the housing market in Marblehead? First Single family Homes (SFHs):
Wait a minute. The median price dropped almost $50,000? What’s going on? (more…)
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