Housing starts decline slightly in November because of Sandy, but rise 21.6% from year ago.

November starts were 861,000. The recession low was 478,000 in April 2009, but the current level is still well below the 1.5 million considered to reflect a healthy market.
89.3 KPCC December 19,2012
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MA pending home sales up in November for 19th straight month

MA pending home sales up in November for 19th straight month according to Massachusetts Association of Realtors
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Property Tax Rates for 2013 in Marblehead and the North Shore

Often lost in the shuffle in the hecticness of the holiday season is the announcement of the new property tax rate, which actually becomes effective from July 1, 2012. What this means is that most of us have been paying less than we owe during the first half of the year, which is why our bills will go up for the second half of the year. (more…)

Foreclosure crisis finally appears to be ebbing

Jay Fitzgerald, Boston Globe, December 1
As a result of an improving economy and successful loan modification programs, the foreclosure crisis both in MA and nationally finally seems to be ebbing.
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New home sales slip in October on Sandy; September revised down sharply. Supply only 4.8 months.

New home sales slip in October on Sandy; September revised down sharply. Supply only 4.8 months.
RTT News November 28,2012
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Home Prices in 20 U.S. Cities Rose 3% in Year to September