Trulia vs MLS statistics on Marblehead
I have reported before on my puzzlement as to where Trulia gets its statistics on Marblehead. This is what I received by email today: (more…)
$7 Million Boston Condo sale
The highest priced condo to sell so far this year in Boston closed recently for $7 million, according to the Boston Globe. The highest-priced sale last year was $13 million, but it’s early days. After all, the penthouse at Millennium Tower is still available – for $37.5 million. If you would like a showing, just call. (more…)
What does $4 million buy in and around Boston?
A prospective buyer looked at a $4 million listing in Marblehead recently and commented: “this house would sell for $18 million in the Hamptons.”
Well we’re not in the Hamptons, Dorothy, but it was an interesting comment and led me to look at what a paltry $4 million would buy today in different areas in and around Boston. The table below is in four sections: the North Shore, towns close to Boston, and then Boston SFHS and Boston condos: (more…)
5 mortgage predictions for 2015
The Federal Savings Bank, despite its name, is a private bank. It has just released the following predictions for 2015:
– mortgage rates will remain low in 2015, with the Federal Reserve hesitant to raise rates
– mortgage application volumes will increase, driven by low rates and improvements in the job market
– refinancing activity will increase
– slow international growth will keep US interest rates low
– prospective homebuyers may be more confident about entering the market (more…)
We’re off: more listings, Open Houses
As expected, we have seen a decent number of new listings this week. We even have the promise of 60 degrees and sunshine on Sunday.
So make plans to visit these Open Houses:
The Best Streets in Greater Boston – really?
One of real estate’s fascinations is that it is subjective: what I love you may hate and vice versa. So it should come as no surprise that I might differ on the pick for the Best Street in Marblehead. I accept the words of the writer that Atlantic Avenue is three miles long, but the Best Street in Marblehead?
Here we go again: bubble, bubble, toil and trouble
I know it’s really: Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble. (Macbeth).
When I read articles like Is Massachusetts headed toward another housing bubble?, I am reminded of the saying that economists have forecast 10 of the last 3 recessions. (more…)
An island off Puerto Rico sounds tempting today….
Yes it is snowing again. OK it won’t settle, but it is still annoying. Let’s hope the promise of high 50s for the weekend proves true.
Meanwhile we can think of warmer places, like this island off the coast of Puerto Rico.
The price is $2.5 million, but if we all chip in a few bucks…. (more…)
New Windshield Wiper Law does not apply to Hayrides
Effective this coming Tuesday, April 7, a new Law in Massachusetts requires drivers to turn on headlights whenever they need to use their windshield wipers.
The new Law does not apply to vehicles transporting people on a hayride. Phew. (more…)
But if you do leave New England…..
Last week I posted Why we don’t all move to San Francisco.
But if you do move here’s’s 30 Things they don’t tell you about Leaving New England.
I experienced 12 in TN this winter. The evening news had a map showing snowfall amounts for the area: 0.1 inch and 0.3 inch. On a map. Seriously. (more…)
Beverly, Salem and Swampscott Housing Market Reports
In the world of small numbers it is necessary to be cautious about drawing too many conclusions. That is why, for example, I am not including percentage changes for the tables below. The message I take from these numbers is that, in general, the market continues to progress in an orderly manner. (more…)
Marblehead First Quarter Housing Market
It’s over. We survived. Hallelujah!
So how was the housing market in Marblehead? First Single family Homes (SFHs):
Wait a minute. The median price dropped almost $50,000? What’s going on? (more…)
Essex County Housing Inventory still low
The good news is that the decline in inventory slowed at the beginning of April compared with March. The bad news is that inventory throughout Essex County is still down almost 20% from a year ago. As always there are variations from town to town. (more…)
How to fix winter damage to your house
Two great articles this week in the Boston Globe’s Address section deal with a range of issues: sagging ceilings, flaking plaster, ice dam leaks, stains, mold and more.
How to fix wet walls, mold and other damage caused by winter
Which matters more – home sales numbers or price?
No, no, it’s not a trick question.
I am also intrigued when I hear or read of a report on commentary about the real estate market which leads with sales numbers. I suspect – usually correctly – that such a report comes from a Realtors’ association. I mean, how many houses does the average home buyer buy or sell in a month, or a quarter, or a year. Quite. (more…)
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