60 Groups at one Open House

I reported a couple of weeks ago that 160 groups went through a Danvers OH recently. Well, last weekend was mild and 60 groups went through a Swampscott OH in the $400s and an offer was made and accepted that day.

Do you think buyers are surfacing as the weather is improving? So do I.

If you  – or somebody you know – are considering buying or selling a home and have questions about the market and/or current home prices, feel free to contact me on 781.631.1223 or andrew@HarborsideRealty.com.

Andrew Oliver is a Realtor with Harborside Realty in Marblehead

Flood Insurance: Senate to vote Monday on bill to delay flood premium increases

According to an article in the Times-Picayune of New Orleans, the US Senate is finally scheduled to vote on Monday to allow debate to proceed on legislation to delay flood premium increases .

To summarize my previous posts on this subject:
– only a small percentage of homes in flood zones carry insurance
– the NFIP has worked well with the exception of major catastrophes
– Congress passed the Biggert-Waters Act without understanding the consequences
– FEMA was supposed to complete an affordability study before implementing new rates, but didn’t
– an independent study suggests  that FEMA “used a mapping method fit for the Pacific coast, where the wave periods are much longer and the beaches are straighter, instead of developing a correct approach for New England.”

Other than that….. (more…)