How much does parking add to the value of a home?

I often wonder how long our memories are. In mid-winter it seems to me the entire population of New England is thinking of moving to Florida, but I suspect that come next winter we will not find deserted cities.Don’t we just love having something to complain about?

After a winter like this one everybody wants to have a home with parking – in cities – or with a garage in the suburbs and outer towns. But how much is that convenience worth?

Here’s a Boston Herald article which describes the value of parking in Boston’s neighborhoods. (more…)

How much business has been lost to the weather?

Anecdotally, we know that small businesses have been affected by this winter’s weather but now we know by how much following a survey by the Retailers Association of Massachusetts.

The main points are:
– overall sales fell 24% with a 7% drop in payroll
– restaurant sales fell 49% with a 14% drop in payroll

While it is tempting to buy everything from Amazon when the weather outside is foul, when the weather improves we should all make a point to SHOP LOCALLY! (more…)