Paint it Black – no, not the Rolling Stones
“I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black”
The first two lines from the Stones’ hit might well be the anthem behind this recent post from Curbed Boston Black is the new Black
“Black house exteriors have come into fashion at what seems like an almost astonishing speed. Pinterest reports that saves for black houses have grown 774 percent since spring 2014, significantly spiking in March of this year (possibly tied to a New York Times story that appeared on March 7).
And people are not just dreaming of black houses. Thus far in 2018, Tricorn Black, a deep, saturated ebony that is perennially one of the company’s most popular blacks, is the 12th most popular paint sold by Sherwin-Williams in the U.S., up from the 33rd spot in 2017.
In Canada, Tricorn Black is the sixth most popular color so far this year, while no black colors even made the country’s top 50 list in 2017.”
Um maybe. But I really don’t see many owners of New England shingle homes deciding to stain them black. Do you?