No writing this week

My outburst of articles last Friday-Monday was, in part, because I was having hand surgery this week and I thought that typing afterwards would be difficult.

It is. I hope to be able to resume typing next week. (more…)

Why I don’t rely on Trulia

Let me start by saying that I think sites like Trulia and Zillow provide a useful service in terms of informing buyers about things like Open Houses. I also like the feature on Zillow that shows the price and tax history of a property listed for sale.

Where I have a problem with such sites is when they quote “statistics”. The danger with statistics always lies with the way they can be presented to give an impression of authority even when the statistics themselves are meaningless. It is always, always essential to be clear what is included in quoted statistics. If it is not clear do not rely on the numbers quoted!

What drives this comment? I had an email yesterday from Trulia entitled Marblehead Weekend Update. Prominently displayed was a box saying:

Source: Zillow

Source: Zillow

What the you know what? $289,000!!! (more…)